jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Charter for Cher Lloyd

Charter for Cher Lloyd

Hello my name is Belen ... I'm from Argentina , not if you know where it is but it is in Latin America, I hope you visit us soon, you have many fans in this country, if I'm honest I adore, so good I wanted to thank you for teach me before I had the opportunity to learn, but thanks to you I take into account, to start nose if it is well written because I donot speak English too well, but for you I try.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Believe me I try to try, but it's hard, sometimes I feel weak, and ke people make fun of me, they think ke'm fine, because that show it, but really deep down I'm broken like a glass that falls to ground.
"No matter who you are or where you are, if you have a dream, nobody out there will prevent you fulfill it." Look, I want to be a singer, but I have as much chance as others, I'm struggling to make it happen, I want to be like you.
"When you have a dream, not just climb the ladder to the middle, you have to climb to the highest." Believe me, I quize abandon my dream, but thanks to this phrase change of opinion and I'll keep going, struggling to follow my path. That was all I wanted to say, was written with all my heart well I hope you enjoyed it, and if you read it, Can I follow on twitter?. @ Milulovewilly That would make me very happy. I swear I would go running to anywhere you are, and I'll thank you. Do not forget you are my best friend forever infinite. Kisses...
